StayRetired™ Wealth Strategies – Our Blog2024-02-22T17:01:27+00:00




When to Consider a Roth IRA Conversion

If you find yourself with a traditional IRA account for your retirement, it can occasionally be useful to convert your account to a Roth IRA. The key difference between these accounts is that a traditional IRA is taxed when it is withdrawn, whereas a Roth IRA is taxed before the money is put into the account.[1] Because the Roth IRA [...]

January 8th, 2024|Investing, Retirement Income, Tax Strategies|

Are You Prepared for Long-Term Care?

The possibility of needing long-term care is a major factor in your retirement. It's difficult to think about a time when you may need extra assistance with daily tasks, but it's very common and very costly, especially given that it's not covered under Medicare! Not every retiree will require it, yet it's a potential need that could arise in the [...]

January 1st, 2024|Financial Planning, Healthcare|

A Refresher on the SECURE Act 2.0 and a Recent Update to It

The SECURE Act 2.0 was a major change in legislation passed in 2022 that drastically affected many areas of retirement planning.[1] It changed rules for many aspects of financial planning concerning retirement, but some of the most important changes were that it: Pushed back the age of RMDs[1] Changed some rules for catch-up contributions[1] Changed some rules about access to [...]

December 25th, 2023|Government, Retirement Planning|

Basic Retirement Planning Tips for Couples

Retirement may be something you’re planning for with a partner. If you are married or are living with someone and you’re both heading into retirement together, there are a lot of things that you’ll need to consider. After all, you’re not just planning for yourself; you’re planning two retirements together! This means you’ll have additional strategic challenges and solutions when [...]

December 11th, 2023|Retirement Planning|

Three Types of Exercise to Do At Home

You don’t necessarily have to spend a fortune to create a home gym if your gym is closed. We might think it’s too late to get back into shape by the time we’re retired or pointless to carve out time for physical activity, but this isn’t true. Incorporating more physical activity into your day could be a good way to [...]

May 8th, 2020|Lifestyle|

Tax Minimization in 2020 and Beyond

As the coronavirus spread, the government stepped in with unprecedented economic interventions, from direct payments to Americans, to relief for businesses. While these measures may be necessary to mitigate the damage done by the virus and the economic shutdown, they’ve also resulted in a ballooning of the national deficit.[1] U.S. government debt could soon rise to 130% or 140% of gross [...]

May 1st, 2020|Tax Strategies|

3 Common Coronavirus Scams to Watch Out For

During a time when many people are searching for information about the coronavirus, scams are proliferating. Fraud related to the stimulus checks, malicious websites and products, and fake charities are popping up more frequently, so you should know what to look for. Here are three common coronavirus scams. Stimulus Check Scams The government has sent out stimulus checks to millions [...]

April 24th, 2020|Fraud Protection|

Do You Have What You Need To Plan For Retirement?

Take Our StayRetired™ Planning Quiz

Our quiz is meant to prepare you for our planning process. By answering our short quiz, you’ll know what you already have prepared and what you may need to think on before we begin crafting your perfect plan for retirement. If you’re unsure on any of the questions, that’s fine – just answer honestly, and we’ll fill you in on what you need to know.

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